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At Extrafamily, we believe that every family is unique and extraordinary. Our mission is to accompany you on your parenting journey, offering you resources, advice and support to enrich your family life.

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Whether you're a new parent, looking for advice, or simply curious to learn more about positive parenting, Extrafamily is here for you. Together, let's build fulfilled and happy families!

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.st1{display:none}Parenting styles and approaches

nacho parenting

“Nacho Parenting” in Blended Families: When Family Life Becomes a Mexican Buffet

Ah, blended families! These wonderful mixtures that make family life look like a giant game of Tetris, where each piece must...

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conscious parenting

Conscious Parenting: A revolutionary approach to parenting

In the bustling world of parenting, there are many philosophies and methods that claim to guide parents towards the ideal education. Among these approaches,…

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baby - sleep and relaxation

Sleep and relaxation in babies: what are the positive effects of music?

By letting your baby listen to music, you will allow him to benefit from a range of benefits. Indeed, it has been shown that…

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.st1{display:none}educational and teaching strategies

.st1{display:none}Communication and family relationships

.st1{display:none}Parenting Challenges

.st1{display:none}Child behavior and development

.st1{display:none}Parental Well-being