parent children telework

How to reconcile family life and professional life?

By Mary Dubois

Balancing family and professional life is a major challenge for many working parents today. With busy work schedules and family commitments multiple, finding a balance can seem difficult, if not impossible. However, there are proven strategies and practices to help manage both aspects of life effectively. In this article, we'll explore the different ways to reconcile family life and professional life, so that working parents can find a satisfying balance between the two.

Prioritize by determining what is important to you and your family

When trying to balance family life and professional life, it is essential to establish clear priorities by determining what is important to you and your family. This step may seem simple, but it's essential to help you manage your time effectively and make informed decisions about how to allocate your energy and resources. In this article, we'll explore the different ways to prioritize your work and family life.


  • Identify your values : First, take time to think about what is important to you and your family. What are your core values? What motivates and excites you? By identifying your values, you can begin to set priorities that are aligned with what really matters to you.
  • Assess your commitments : Once you have identified your values, assess your current commitments. What activities and projects are most important to you? Which ones bring you the most joy and satisfaction? Which ones exhaust you or stress you out the most? By evaluating your commitments, you can begin to make more informed decisions about how to allocate your time and energy.
  • Plan ahead : When you have a clear idea of your priorities, it is easier to plan ahead. For example, you can organize your schedule so that the activities that are most important to you and your family take priority. You can also schedule rest and recovery times to ensure you are able to perform at your best.

Listen to your needs and those of your family members

  • Be flexible : While planning ahead is important, it is also essential to be flexible and adapt to unforeseen changes. Sometimes unexpected events or situations may necessitate a readjustment of your priorities. Be prepared to be flexible and to make changes to your schedule if necessary.
  • Communicate with your family : Finally, it is important to communicate with your family about your priorities and commitments. Ask them what is important to them and listen carefully to their needs and concerns. By working together, you can create a plan that works for the whole family and meets everyone's needs.
  • In summary, setting priorities is an ongoing process that requires regular reflection and communication. When you identify your values, assess your commitments, plan ahead, and be flexible, you can find a satisfying work-life balance.
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Flexibility at work

How to negotiate with your employer to obtain flexible hours?

If you are looking to negotiate flexible working hours with your employer, here are some tips to follow:

  1. Prepare your argument: Think about your reasons for asking for flexible hours. Is it to better balance your professional and personal life? To avoid peak hours? To allow you to pursue studies or training outside working hours? Be clear and specific about your motivations.
  2. Know your employer: Find out about your company's policy on flexible working hours. Is it something that is commonly offered or not? Are there colleagues who have already obtained flexible hours? This will help you tailor your argument.
  3. Offer solutions: If you want flexible hours, you need to offer solutions that work for you and for your employer. For example, if you want to work from home one day a week, offer to regularly report on your work and deliver quality results.
  4. Be flexible: Be prepared to negotiate. If your employer can't offer you exactly what you're asking for, offer alternatives. For example, if you want to work from home two days a week, ask if you can start with one day and gradually increase.
  5. Stay professional: Be polite and professional when discussing your work schedules with your employer. Avoid complaints or criticism, and focus on the benefits flexible hours can bring to your business.

By following these tips, you can have a productive discussion with your employer about flexible working hours

Organization and planning: Maximize your time and efficiency by planning the day?

Organization and planning are two key elements to maximizing your time and efficiency at work. Indeed, it's easy to get overwhelmed with everyday tasks and obligations, but by taking the time to plan your day, you can accomplish more in less time and reduce the stress associated with managing your schedule. . In this article, we'll explore the different ways to effectively plan your day to be more productive and efficient.

Organize tasks:

  1. Make a to-do list: Start your day by making a list of all the tasks you need to complete. This list can be divided into different categories, such as urgent tasks, important tasks, and secondary tasks. By making a to-do list, you can focus on the day's priorities and avoid wasting time on less important tasks.
  2. Plan your day: After making a list of tasks, plan your day in blocks of time defined for each task. For example, if you have an important meeting at 10 a.m., schedule the most important tasks before that time and leave less urgent tasks for the afternoon. By planning your day this way, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed and wasting time thinking about what to do next.
  3. Use planning tools: There are many planning tools available, such as electronic calendars, project management apps, and online to-do lists. Use these tools to organize your day and track your progress over time. They can also help you stay focused on your priorities and avoid distractions.
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Plan breaks

  • Avoid distractions: Distractions, such as social media, emails, and phone calls, can easily waste your time and hurt your productivity.
  • Establish specific times to check your email and social networks, and avoid answering phone calls that are not urgent. By limiting distractions, you can focus on the most important tasks and maximize your work time.
  • Take breaks: Take regular breaks throughout the day to rest and recharge. Regular breaks can help you stay focused and avoid burnout. Use these breaks to stretch, exercise, or simply relax.

Ultimately, planning your day is key to maximizing your time and efficiency. By making a to-do list, planning your day, using scheduling tools, avoiding distractions, and taking regular breaks, you can accomplish more in less time and reach your goals faster.

The benefits of teleworking: working remotely can help balance work and family life

THE telework is an increasingly popular option for workers looking to balance work and personal life. Indeed, working from home offers many benefits that reduce stress and increase productivity. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of working from home and why it's becoming more common.

Reconciling family and professional life


Telecommuting offers great flexibility in terms of planning your working day. You can choose the schedules that best suit your personal and professional life, which can help you better balance the two.


Working from home saves money on transportation costs and childcare costs. You can also save on meals and snacks because you can prepare your own food at home.

Better quality of life

Working from home avoids long commutes to work, which can reduce stress and improve your quality of life. You can also spend more time with family and friends, which can improve your overall well-being.

Stress reduction

Working from home helps avoid distractions from the workplace, such as interruptions from colleagues or unnecessary meetings, which can reduce stress and increase productivity.

Improved productivity

Employees working from home are often more productive because they are less likely to be distracted or interrupted by co-workers. They can also work in a more comfortable and personalized environment, which can help improve their focus and efficiency.

In the end, the telework offers many benefits that can help balance work and personal life. This allows workers to manage their time more effectively, reduce stress, improve their quality of life, save money and increase productivity. With the increase in communication technologies, remote working is becoming more common and is expected to continue to grow in the coming years

Stress management: how to deal with the stress associated with work-family balance?

There work-family balance is a challenge for many people and can often cause stress and anxiety. Working while raising a family requires organization, planning and a certain amount of patience. However, there are ways to deal with the stress associated with balancing work and family and find a healthy balance between the two.

Reconciling family and professional life

At work :

  • Setting boundaries: When you set clear boundaries between your work and your personal life. This means setting regular working hours and sticking to them as much as possible. Likewise, when you're away from work, try not to get distracted by work calls or emails.
  • Prioritize tasks: Prioritizing tasks will allow you to focus on the most important ones. Try to prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance. This can help you manage your time better and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Ask for help: Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Whether it's asking for help with childcare or asking a colleague to help you with a difficult task, asking for help can help lighten your workload.
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With family :

  • Schedule time for family: It is important to schedule time for family. This can mean planning family outings or simply spending quality time with your loved ones at home. Family time can help reduce stress and strengthen family relationships.
  • Avoid overloading yourself with work: Avoid overloading yourself with work. If you're feeling overwhelmed, talk to your employer to see if it's possible to reduce your workload. Knowing when to say no is important to avoid overburdening yourself.

In the end, the work-family balance can be stressful, but it is possible to find a healthy balance. Setting clear boundaries, prioritizing tasks, asking for help, taking care of yourself, scheduling time for family, and avoiding overwork are all strategies that can help reduce the stress associated with work-life balance.

Family time: how to plan and enjoy quality time with your family despite a busy schedule?

With increasingly busy workdays, it can be difficult to find time for family. However, it is important to plan quality time with your family to strengthen bonds and maintain a healthy relationship. Here are some tips for planning quality time despite a busy schedule.

Plan ahead:

  • Plan ahead when you can spend time with your family. You can reserve certain days for family activities and mark them in your calendar to avoid missing them.
  • Evaluate your schedule: Evaluate your schedule to see if there are times when you can free up time for your family. Maybe you can cut back on your TV time or social media time to free up time for family activities.

Family time:

  • Involve the family: Involve your family in the planning process. Ask everyone to suggest activities they would like to do together and include them in your schedule.
  • Enjoy the little moments: Take advantage of the little moments to spend time with your family. You can take advantage of your trip to chat with your children or take the time to cook together in the evening.
  • Choose activities that fit your schedule: Choose activities that fit your schedule. You don't have to plan long and complicated outings to spend quality time with your family. Simple activities like a movie night at home or a family walk can be just as enjoyable.
  • Be mentally present: When you spend time with your family, make sure you are mentally present. Avoid answering work calls or checking your emails during these times.

In short, it is possible to plan quality time with your family despite a busy schedule. By planning ahead, evaluating your schedule, involving your family, enjoying the little moments, choosing appropriate activities and being mentally present, you can spend quality time with your family while balancing your work and your personal life

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Passionate about positive parenting, uses her experience and knowledge in child psychology to help parents meet educational challenges. She advocates open communication and attentive listening for harmonious family relationships, while supporting parents in their own personal development.

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